Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

30 November 2005


Today, all day, I still have the migraine. At least, I am not throwing up, like I was yesterday. If the headache pattern holds, I have one more day of this crap before things get better.

Jenius, if you read this, e-mail me, Dammit! The link is on this page.

Another Favorite Saying

So, in talking with Kent, I may just have a post every now and again that continues the "Favorite Sayings" post. This is another one.

"I got to piss like a racehorse"

29 November 2005

Pain is the Name of Today's Word

Pain is the word. Massive headache, not quite migraine as of yet. Pain in the stomach, can't keep anything but water down. I am heading to bed. Talk to you all on the flipside.

28 November 2005

Odd Bit of Information

It was reported in the December 2005 issue of Playboy that, "According to researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, when a woman wears socks during sex, her chances of reaching an orgasm increase by 30%."


Two New CDs for the Collection, 28 Nov

So, I added two new discs to my growing collection. First is the new album by System of a Down, "Hypnotize". And the second album is an older cd by Avenged Sevenfold, "Waking the Fallen".

What the Hell?

Where the fuck is everybody? I know that I get off of work late, compared to my friends back east. But, no communication from anyone in 4 1/2 hours? This sucks!

Favorite Sayings

While negotiating holiday traffic today, I thought of some of my favorite sayings. These are used in different situations. Those of you that read LL, will recognize one. Some of these you may have heard before, some not. I hope that you enjoy them all. So, the following are some of my favorite sayings and a few words:

"Fuck me silly in a birdbath!"

"Fuck me running sideways through a crosswalk!"

"Pee or get off the pot!" (For female drivers)

"You know, the light doesn't get any greener in this state."



"Were you bred stupid, or did you learn that?"

"Ya, Fuck-ya!"

Well, that is all that I can think of right now. I started writing this and had more in mind, but forgot some of the sayings that I wanted to write down. Maybe I will update later with more, if I remember them.

27 November 2005

Riding Weekend

First off , let me say that I am absolutely horrible at motocross. I really like riding, but I tend to get a little agro when on trails. On long uphill stretches, I have horrible technique and therefore struggle. Really, I just don't have the confidence riding a bike that I have on the snowmobiles.

I was unfortunately unable to get any pics, as the sand and wind would have torn up my camera. So, you will just have to use your imagination.

So, that being said, I had a great weekend.

We arrived in Jawbone Canyon (North of California City), located in the sothern end of the East side of the Sierra Nevadas. Before everyone had set up camp, several of the twelve guys already had their gear on and were ready to go. Water Rat was probably the first guy with his gear on and actually went out alone, while everyone else was getting ready. Water Rat is by far the best rider in the group and the one that everyone else follows. There was also, a whole lot of wind with up to 50 mph gusts, that blew sand into everything.

So, we all got geared up and headed out to follow where WR led us. First, to a short hill climb. On the way, only a half mile or so, we lost three guys. How they got lost, no one knows. (And they wouldn't say). Anyway, everyone hit the climb, except me. After they were all warmed up, we took off on a trail. I didn't do too bad on the trail. But, on the way downhill, I made it through the difficult section and crashed on a easier section. My front tire slipped out and I went over the front tire. I landed on my right elbow and left hip in a twisted position. Initially, I was a bit dazed, but otherwise ok. Getting the bike back up was a problem, but I managed to do so. On the ride back to camp, I could feel a tickling sensation down my right arm and filling my glove. I had a pretty good gash on my elbow, filled with one big pebble and a lot of sand that bled fairly steadily. With a little cleaning it turned out alright. We ate good food and drank a lot of beer. Finally crashing out at 2200.

On Saturday, Water Rat led everyone out on a more difficult trek. Everyone made it this time and on the first hill, I wasn't the only one that had trouble. So, we had to go on a different track. This one was easier for everyone, but me. With the group getting tired of waiting on me, I broke off and rode by my lonesome.

I rode on a fairly "groomed" track, really a hard packed dirt road. I saw the guys off playing to my right for a time. At one point, as I went around a left turn, I got into a sandy section and wiped out again. This time landing on my left knee. Fortunately, I rolled out of the crash none-the-worse for wear, jumped back on the bike and took off. A couple of miles in, I met up with the crew, then bailed on them again as I headed back towards camp and they off to a more difficult trailhead. Upon returning to camp, getting a bite to eat, and hiding from the wind, I inspected my left knee. The crash cracked my left knee/shin protector in half. Oh well, it did what it was supposed to do (protect me), I also found some new scratches on the helmet, and a tear in the pants.

Soon, other less experienced riders started coming back as the wind and trails started kicking their collective asses as well. We all had lunch and the big eight guys went back out to ride again. I meanwhile stayed inside the trailer, relaxed, and read a book. The wind got even more vicious and was glad to be inside.

Water Rat and K came back in a few hours with no other riders. They apparently took a treacherous route back and were the only two that could do it. The others struggled in about a half hour later after taking a long way back to camp.

I said my goodbyes and made the five hour drive home.

Today, I am tired and really fucking sore. The laundry list of pain includes: head, neck, right elbow, kidneys, lower back, hips, and left knee.

Nothing too serious, but just a few aches to remind me of the trip.

26 November 2005

Back From Riding

I am back from the riding trip, mostly ok. A few bruises and a loss of blood, but generally alright. I didn't get any pics (discuss later). I will post on the weekend tomorrow, after work. Talk to you all later.


23 November 2005

Post Thanksgiving

I will be unavailable to post or comment on Friday and Saturday. I will be heading to Jawbone Canyon, CA to do some motocross riding in the desert. Weapon of Choice is the Honda CRF450.

I plan on doing a lot of riding on Friday and some picture taking of the fun on Saturday, before driving home Sat night.

This is the last weekend, for a while at least, of having dedicated recreation time. That, and I have to work on Sat 3 December to make up for the Sunday that I took off last week.

I hope that you all have a great weekend following the holiday.


I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving.

Just keep away from the avian flu that has affected some gobblers!

Happy eating!

22 November 2005

Call Me a Crybaby

I HATE the Holidays. Really, for two reasons. One: The job that I currently have gets busy during this time of year (the week leading up to) and Two: I am expected to listen to songs that don't relate to my specific holiday season, for more than two months, to celebrate a holiday (Christmas) that has more to do with Winter Solstice and the changing of the year, than any religious phenomena.

Let me explain. Tomorrow, I have a fugly day ahead of me because of Thanksgiving. Those summer work hours are back with a vengeance. To recap the week, 12 hours on Monday, 13 hours for today, and probably 14+ hours for tomorrow. Thanksgiving for me is about not working my ass off, for at least one day (not that I have much of an ass to begin with).

The second, and really the more important reason for my hatred, is the whole commercialization of the season. Why did Christmas commercials start before Halloween? Why do stores in CA decorate their spaces with snowflakes, sleighs, snowmen and all of the other crap? When was the last time that someone rode their one-horse-open-sleigh in the Central Valley of CA? Why are we in the west a slave to the music that is better suited to those areas (of the east and midwest) that get snow?

A White Christmas? Yeah, the frost on my roof. Chestnuts on an open fire? Do you have a CA burn permit for that fire? I never even saw a chestnut until I was in high school. Sleighs? Where? I didn't see a sleigh in person until I was twenty-six. What good does it do here? Why should I give a baboon's purple ass about any "winter" tradition that was started in New England?

Why does the church celebrate Jesus' birth at the end of December, when historical record puts his actual birth somewhere in the month of February?

Excuse my rhetorical questioning rant. I just really dispise this time of year.

21 November 2005

While Driving on 101 North

While driving on 101 North, I had Paul and Kent about 1/2 mile behind me. It was basically a parking lot. It took 1 hour to go from Monster Park to the Bay Bridge. Tickled me to death.

While waiting, I called Kent. I thought that they were heading South on 101 to get to highway 152 East and further on to 5 South. But, no, they are behind me some half mile.

I am shooting the shit with Kent, bored in traffic out of my fucking mind. Kent says, "Wait Dude! You are not going to believe what is going on in front of us! There is an old couple directly ahead of us (70's guestimation). He has his arm around her and she is gettin lower and lower in the seat." So, we had to speculate what was going on. I first surmised that she was getting ready to go down on the guy. But I was vetoed on that, as she apparently didn't get low enough. So, next I suggested that she was giving him a hand-job. Definite possibility. We were just laughing and guessing at the situation. Finally, she sat up, moved away from him, stuck her hand out of the window, and proceeded to shake it off. More rude comments ensued.

Good way to pass the time as any. I don't remember my grandparents doing anything like that. I honestly don't think that either ever would have. But, I was thinking of their converstion with the grandkids on what they did while waiting in traffic.

Oh, the possibilities!

Weekend Recap or This Past Weekend 2

***Warning, This Is A Long Post***

Let me preface the main story by telling you a well known fact about me, that was a recurring theme for my weekend. If I do not have accurate directions from Point A to Point B, I am guaranteed to get lost.

So, with that being said, here we go...

I left my house with Mapquest directions in hand to get to the meet. I was supposed to meet up with Kent, Paul, and Mason at the 21st Amendment in SF at noon, or thereabouts, on Saturday. But, due to traffic and other issues, I didn't arrive until 1400. Now let's remember, I have my trusty directions, but Kent insists that he has a short cut and that I should follow his guidelines. Like a dumbass, I listen and get my ass lost. I am on the phone with him cussing and getting very pissed off, looking around at all the gay folk, gay stores, and cross-dressers, basically SF freak central (I am not homophobic, just relaying the intel). I get directed out of the zone and into normalicy, or what passes for it in SF. (Did I ever happen to mention that I hate big cities?)

Finally, I pull up to the bar. Get out say my hellos and start to drinking. I polished off two Anchor Porters in roughly 40 minutes and a plate of pork ribs. Pay up and go to look for a hotel to crash in.

Four people, three cars. Only one guy, Kent, has cell numbers for everyone (bad move). So in keeping as to not get lost, I go second in the convoy of three. We drive around the city for at least half an hour with Paul in the lead. We find nothing. So, Mason takes the lead and I pull onto his ass (bad, bad phrase for SF). He leads us around for another half hour to find the Pacific Heights Inn. Not bad. Not what I would have chosen, but not bad.

We dropped off our shit in the room and walked down a couple of blocks to the Bayside Bar. Cool sports bar. We sit at the bar and eventually a table. We were there to see the Cal/Stanford game to be followed by the USC/Fresno State game. In the mean time, we ate and continued to drink. I continued with the dark beer theme and had exclusivly Guinness. Cal ended up winning which pleased Paul, a long time Cal fan. And it also made about a third of the bar happy, too. The next game, USC/FS, was of more interest to Kent, Mason, and I (we are all Fresno State alums). Did I honestly think that we were going to win, no. But I was expecting a good game. Not a normal USC blowout.

Unfortunately, there was a USC fan sitting right next to me, at the next table over. Every time Bush or USC in general did something good, he seemed to yell right in my ear. I was getting pissed off, but also pretty drunk (which didn't help). In the third quarter, our loud guy finally made his appearance. Sean (also an ex Fresno State guy) had a wedding to attend in South San Francisco and met us afterward. For some reason, while I was taking a leak, the annoying guy moved to another table with his group. So, when I returned, I didn't have to listen to him much there on out. Every once in a while, he would comment that a "public school" has no chance against USC. Well, Fresno State almost pulled off the upset, but we lost 42 - 50. Sean gave me a Bass at the end of the game, not good. Somewhere in this crazy night, I put in a drunken phone call to blondage.

I was pretty much spent. It was now 2330. Final beer count for the day in pints: 2 Anchor Porters, 10 Guinness, and 1 Bass in 9 1/2 hours. We went back to the hotel and I crashed. The rest of the guys went out again, see end of this post to read that recap.

Somewhere around 0430, they returned, where I apparently told them all to, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" while I was sleeping. I don't remember, but I was sleeping after all.

Sunday morning...

Oh, the pain. I and the other guys were all seriously hung over. I don't know about them, but I am too old for this shit. Somewhere around 1000 we started to get our shit together to go to the SF/Seattle game.

So we caravan out to the game. I am third of now four cars. While on 101 South, I am about 1/4 mile behind car #2 talking to Kent on the phone and he tells me "Not this exit, the next one" and hangs up to call Sean behind me. I round the bend thinking, "Not this one, next one", but I see Mason #1 car and Paul/Kent #2 car sitting on the off ramp as I go by at 70 mph. Just Fucking Great! So, I have to go down to the next exit, go a couple of miles to find the 101 North on-ramp and come back. I am on the phone with Kent then Mason. I am more than a little pissed off at this point. So, in following the directions back, you guessed it I get lost. Perfect. After going all the way around the fucking stadium, I go up and down streets (doing a U at one point) while they read a map as I tell them the streets names on which I am located. Finally, I get to them.

They all load into my truck and we head in to the stadium. My thoughts are, "Hey, I was just here!"

Our seats are on the South side of the stadium (Monster Park) in lower box 7. Basically, we were in the first row off of the isle down into the section, just right (as we see it) of the goal posts. The game was good, although I thought that my Seahawks were going to fall back into their habbit of blowing the game at the end. But we ended up winning the game 27 - 25.

On leaving the stadium, Kent and a couple others had to stop at the port-a-potty. I told them I was headed for the truck. I got lost again. What did I expect. I came back to find everyone waiting for me. Hey, that is the way it goes.

Not much left to tell, really. We all headed home after the game. Sean to the central coast, Mason to the CA central valley, Paul and Kent to SD, and me to Modesto. While waiting in traffic (see next post), Kent described a situation going on a half mile back. Pretty funny.

Anyway, I got home at about 2030. Completly worn out. I hadn't seen Mason or Sean for at least 10 years, but seemed that no timed passed as we hung out together this weekend. Paul, a new buddy, fit right in like he was always there. And Kent, well that dickhead I see or talk to all the time. What a great weekend!

A different angle on this weekend can be found on Kent's Blog, Right From Left, titled "5 Drunk Bozos".

This Past Weekend 1

This post is going to be relatively short. I had a great weekend. I got home safe. And I am exhausted. I will post on all of the festivities, when I get home tonight.

I hope that you all have had a great weekend and if I don't hear from you, have a great Thanksgiving.

17 November 2005

Work, Sucked Ass Again

I have been remiss in my blog posting and commenting duties this week. Please forgive me.

Work, as it does entering a major holiday, kicked my ass this week. Next week is figuring to be worse. There will definitely be "no joy in Mudville" around here next week.

The Seahawk logo is to show support for my team, as I get ready to go see them on Sunday vs. the San Francisco Forty-Winers. I am meeting up with some friends, from college, on Saturday afternoon in SF. Party Sat night and go to the game on Sun at Candlestick (or whatever they call it these days).

I hate to make predictions, because you just never know, but I think that the Seahawks are going to kick the crap out of SF.

Talk to you all later. I am on my weekend. Woo Hoo!

16 November 2005

Finally, A Halloween Pic

I finally got a Halloween pic back. Not very scary in my book. I guess that some people are scared by the idea, or something.

Really, it is by no means a good comparison to the work of ~Eyes. But that is just my opinion.

This was taken towards the end of the night, before I took the make-up off.



Hello all.

I am not really in the mood to post anything. This does not mean that I am in a bad mood, nor does it mean that I am in a great mood. Somewhere in the middle, I would say. Which is pretty much the mood that I am usually in. Long story, not to be told.

Anyway, I hope that all of you are haveing a good week.

Btw, I have been having a movie line in my head for two days. Must be the mood I am in.

"You know, I can't think of nothing finer than I fine naked woman holding a gun. And you are all kinds of fine now ain't ya." Frankie Figgs, The Whole Nine Yards

14 November 2005

New Rumination, 14 November

I posted a new rumination on my other blog. For those that have read my previous posts, this one is still dark, but taken from a much happier place. You may or may not see it, but when I read it, it makes me smile.

You former English majors may cringe at some points, but take the whole thing in context. I think that at least one line could use some work, but I had to get this out of my head and on paper (as it were).

It is funny (or so it seems to me) that I can be doing my thing at work and the first four lines just pop into my head. I had to run out to the truck to write them down. I proceeded to write the rest of this as I worked today. I hope that you enjoy it.

13 November 2005

Sad But True

As hard as this may be to believe, I was once a fan of the pro wrestling companies ECW, WCW and the WWF (now the WWE). I know that these guys are playing a part in a big soap opera for guys. But the fantasy of the sport attracted me off and on for years. While these guys are acting to a certain degree, I also acknowledge that it takes great athletic skill and ability to do the job.

So, with that being said. I was shocked at the death of Eduardo Gory Guerrero (Llanes). Guerrero, 38, didn't answer a wake-up call on Sunday morning. There was no sign of foul play when he was found by his nephew, WWE wrestler Chavo Guerrero, and Minneapolis Marriot City Center Security. An autopsy will be performed later this week.

Guerrero, son of legendary Mexican wrestler Gory Guerrero, was only the second person of Hispanic heritage to hold the title belt in WWE history. He emerged in the 1980's after doing the international circut. He wrestled in Japan as the "Black Tiger" and in Mexico as "Mascara Magica".

He wrestled with many of the greats and a history can be found here.

This post is dedicated to a great performer and athlete. You shall be missed.

11 November 2005

Vegas, Baby, Vegas

Even though it is a ways off, I find myself looing forward to the Vegas trip. Some of you out there know what I am talking about, most don't.

There is a lot of planning to be done between now and then.

In the mean time...I gotta go!


I am off to play again. I will be gone until Sun morning.

I am heading to Fresno for my mom's birthday (62 this year).

I hope that you all have a great weekend!

10 November 2005

Grandma Doin' A Reindeer

In one of my accounts, they are selling the pictured stuffed toy. It is supposed to be 'Grandma Being Run Over A Reindeer'.

However, it is actually a reindeer laying on top of 'grandma'. When you push the button the two start wiggling. It really looks like, with not a lot if imagination, the reindeer is having sex with grandma.

What a great toy to give the kids.

***Update*** Due to popular demand, I am now taking orders for this 'toy'.

09 November 2005

How Did They Find Me?

Don't tell anybody, but I have a runaway tied to the underside of my bed frame, too!

Matthew Gray and Janelle Butler were sleeping when the kidnapped runaway called for help. The couple sold her for sex dozens of times on the Internet, kept her locked in a hollowed-out bed frame covered with plywood, and tortured her repeatedly.

Gray was booked on hundreds of counts, including sexual assault, kidnapping, and child prostitution. Butler was booked on kidnapping, child prostitution, and other charges. Both are being held without bond.

GET BACK UNDER THE BED! Do I have to gag you again? The bitch is causing problems, I got to go!

08 November 2005

Judge, Jury, And Executioner

Sometimes, I get the feeling that people, in the blogsphere, are just waiting for someone to write something that they do not like, in order to judge that person on their views.

I read all kinds of blogs. Political commentary, sexual fantasy, sexual fetish, diary, observational, news, blah-da-blah blah blah. Everyone has a take. People have disagreements. People judging other people. People executing others for their ideas.

Sure, I can be, and have been, the Devil's Advocate on some site or another. But, I do not judge someone for their blog. Who am I to be their judge? For that matter, who are you to be their judge? What makes others so full of themselves, that they think that they are the 'high and mighty' ones to us poor deluded fools? How dare you judge ME for what my take is on the world, what I write, what I say.

I put my email on my blog for a reason, for those in the know, know. I didn't put it there to receive judgements from from the masses on what I should be like, what I should write about, what my opinions should be.


I respect your opinion, but I have only one judge to report to and that will be when I die.

07 November 2005

When Good TV Goes Bad

An Indian relay company intending to air an English-speaking news progam at 2000 on 4 Nov, instead transmitted several minutes of porn from a Russian TV channel. This prompted residents to stage demonstrations in the streets of Kailaras.

Employees of the station are in some serious shit. Possibly even prosecution for the offensive material.

No mention was made, however, of what kind of material was shown.

06 November 2005

Can't Get A Room?

Um...What can you say?

Two Carolina Panther cheerleaders were busted in a Tampa Bay bar.

Witnesses claim that Angela Keathley and Renee Thomas were ingaged in some type of sexual activity inside a bathroom stall at Banana Joe's around 0220 Sunday morning. The pair got into an argument with two other females waiting to use the stall. A physical altercation insued.

The two bonded out of Hillsborough County jail later Sunday morning and made it to the Carolina/Tampa Bay football game in time to work.

How much longer do you think that they have a job?


They got the boot from the team on Tuesday. Although, there are rumors that the Vikings may want them....but, THAT, is another story.

Does Anyone Get This?

LL? Kent? Can one of you explain to me why we are doing this? Anybody else?

Read the link and get back to me. I just plain don't understand the whys.

21st Century Pirates

The pirate image is as strong today as it was in days gone by. The life has been romanticised in books, movies, and now the news.

On Saturday, a cruise ship was attacked by modern day pirates off of the coast of Ethiopia. As is days gone by, the pirates were looking to hijack the ship for ransom and loot. Authorities believe that this is the same group of pirates that attacked the UN-chartered aid ship in June. However, this group is only one of three known pirate bands operating in the area.

To date, there has been at least 25 documented pirate attacks in the area since 15 March. In that same same time frame last year, there were only two documented cases.

05 November 2005

Pissed Off For No Reason

I woke up pissed off today for no apparent reason. It has just continued ALL FUCKING DAY! I tried everything that I could to get out of the funk, but to no avail. Hopefully this doesn't continue into tomorrow.

For those friends that I have out in the blogsphere, I hope that you have a better weekend.

04 November 2005

New Russian Holiday

The Russian people celebrated a new national holiday today. Although many in the country had no idea of it or what it meant.

The Day of People's Unity was first signed into law or observance last year by President Putin. It was designed to commemorate Moscow's liberation from Polish invaders in 1612. This holiday is also to replace the long held Soviet holiday celebrating the Bolshevik Revolution, which was still observed until last year.

In a recent poll, 51% of Russians had no idea what holiday would be celebrated on 4 November. Of those that did know, only 8% got the name and idea right.

This is a holiday to further promote the idea of patriotism to a well worn country.

03 November 2005

Another One

This guy is walking down the street, when he sees this beautiful woman with big boobs. He walks up to her and asks, "Listen, if I pay you $100, can I bite your tits?"

She says, "No, you creep. Go Away!" and walks away.

Not put off by this remark, the guy runs up to her again. "Alright, alright. What if I give you $1000? Then, can I bite 'em?"

"No, I am not that kind of girl. Leave me alone." And she bails, again.

Unpreturbed, he runs up to her again.

"OK, how about for $10,000. Then I bite your tits?"

She thinks to herself, "Wow, for $10K?" "Ok, sure." She pulls the guy into a nearby alley and pulls up her shirt.

The guy jumps on the boobs. He is licking, fondling, carressing, and drooling all over them.

She says, "I thought that your were going to bite them."

"Are you kidding?", he says, "$10,000 is way too expensive. I can't afford that!"

02 November 2005

Great New Shirt

I saw this shirt on Saturday. It said:

I'm looking for Joe Blob.

Too damn funny.

Halloween Party #2, 2005

Saturday was just one big party.

Friends of the family are having their first child in Feb. So, Mom held a baby shower at her and Pop's house for the women, while the guys all went out to a shooting contest.

The contest was the best combined score in three disciplines, 22 caliber pistol, 22 caliber rifle (off hand) and 12 or 20 gauge trap shooting. We cooked 'dogs, drank beer and Jack, and shot guns. I ended up tying for third in the overall (1st in handguns, 5th in rifle, 3rd in 12 gauge trap). My prize was a small bottle of Jack. But, I threw the competition to the guy that I tied with to forgo the small bottle and the inevetable picture that followed.

We came back, rested a bit, got dressed up and went to the Halloween party held at the expecting parents' home.

I dressed in the same costume that I used the previous week. Hopefully, the picture from this party turns out better (I will share when I get it). The cosume had the same effect as last week. People had a hard time talking to me as the make-up made them a bit unsettled. A couple of children at the party (the kids of our friends) were downright scared. My sister-in-law pointed me out to my 2-year old nephew and he knew who I was, but he just had the look like the make-up bothered him. Water Rat's best friend's son just ran screaming to his mom and wouldn't look at me. Another kid was asked if she wanted to go outside to eat and she said, "No, there is a monster out there!"

God, I love Halloween! Why can't this observance come more than once a year?

Rule #1

Ok, after reading this news article from Pittsburg comes a new rule book that I am going to have to make. This may not be #1, but it would be pretty high on the list.

Rule: "Do not fall asleep at the home of a scorned ex-lover."

Gail O'Toole [nice name] was convicted of simple assault and sentenced to six months probation for acts that she committed against her ex-lover, Ken Slaby.

Short story, shorter. Gail glued Ken's penis to his stomach, glued his testicle to his leg, and glued the cheeks of his ass together.

Male Disease/Malady

I think I figured out what my problem has been for the past few days. I think that I am suffering from the malady that all men get or will get at some time in their life, that would be DSB. It is a condition that comes and goes with life.

This could prove to be a deadly or somewhat minor malady depending on the person or the situation. In the extreme, you could end up like Ted Kaczynski, who defenitely suffered from this affliction. To the somewhat minor exteme this would be characterized by a college frat boy and all that goes with that.

There is only one sure way to cure this malady that I know of and my options are not looking good. So, this may be something that continues for a while, unless I get lucky.

Oh joy!

Another New Disc

Yes, I am a music junkie. A new disc came out by one of my favorite modern bands. That would be Slipknot. The new live disc is simply called "9.0 Live". I am so geeked!

01 November 2005

Done A Bit, Too Tired To Write

Eventually, I will get the gumption to write something. But, right now, I am just too damn tired.

Stay tuned...