Judge, Jury, And Executioner
Sometimes, I get the feeling that people, in the blogsphere, are just waiting for someone to write something that they do not like, in order to judge that person on their views.
I read all kinds of blogs. Political commentary, sexual fantasy, sexual fetish, diary, observational, news, blah-da-blah blah blah. Everyone has a take. People have disagreements. People judging other people. People executing others for their ideas.
Sure, I can be, and have been, the Devil's Advocate on some site or another. But, I do not judge someone for their blog. Who am I to be their judge? For that matter, who are you to be their judge? What makes others so full of themselves, that they think that they are the 'high and mighty' ones to us poor deluded fools? How dare you judge ME for what my take is on the world, what I write, what I say.
I put my email on my blog for a reason, for those in the know, know. I didn't put it there to receive judgements from from the masses on what I should be like, what I should write about, what my opinions should be.
I respect your opinion, but I have only one judge to report to and that will be when I die.
I read all kinds of blogs. Political commentary, sexual fantasy, sexual fetish, diary, observational, news, blah-da-blah blah blah. Everyone has a take. People have disagreements. People judging other people. People executing others for their ideas.
Sure, I can be, and have been, the Devil's Advocate on some site or another. But, I do not judge someone for their blog. Who am I to be their judge? For that matter, who are you to be their judge? What makes others so full of themselves, that they think that they are the 'high and mighty' ones to us poor deluded fools? How dare you judge ME for what my take is on the world, what I write, what I say.
I put my email on my blog for a reason, for those in the know, know. I didn't put it there to receive judgements from from the masses on what I should be like, what I should write about, what my opinions should be.
I respect your opinion, but I have only one judge to report to and that will be when I die.
At 09 November, 2005 03:18 ,
LL said...
Smitten Kitten, have you been getting love letters? No one even bothers me. I would hope from my attitude on my blog that anyone and everyone knows if they fucked with me I'd call 'em out on the blog. I got no problems with that. Your post is a good attitude to have. Here's a clue for you idiots who have bothered Smitten Kitten, IT'S JUST A BLOG. Get over it. Sheesh.
At 09 November, 2005 15:24 ,
Kent said...
I think you should write more about politics. And beer. And video games. And Russia. Definitely more about Russia. And hot, horny, lesbian NFL cheerleaders...and...
At 09 November, 2005 18:46 ,
Earth Rooster said...
Thank you to all of you for your comments. I disclosed to kent, earlier today, that one of the emails was quite malicious. The guy was threatening to KILL me over some posts that I have. I should have saved the email, but I was too pissed off and not thinking too clearly.
LL - I totally agree and I will have to be a little more gruff about things in the future.
Prufr0ck - Thanks for the kind words. You really never hear enough of that!
kent - That is the plan, my friend!
zombie - Thank you for stopping in. I have read your blog, but sadly haven't commented over there just yet (doh!).
I just don't understand some people and their hang-ups. Thanks again, to all of you.
At 09 November, 2005 19:22 ,
Unknown said...
Yup, you and everyone that commented before me are on it. I've never gotten hate mail. Oh, wait. That's because I don't have my email posted. I'm sure I would if I did post it.
I get random comments here and there that are from douchebags. But, I only point and laugh.
And yes, I like disagreements too. It's entertaining and gives you insight from both sides.
We love you. That's all that matters.
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