Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

02 November 2005

Halloween Party #2, 2005

Saturday was just one big party.

Friends of the family are having their first child in Feb. So, Mom held a baby shower at her and Pop's house for the women, while the guys all went out to a shooting contest.

The contest was the best combined score in three disciplines, 22 caliber pistol, 22 caliber rifle (off hand) and 12 or 20 gauge trap shooting. We cooked 'dogs, drank beer and Jack, and shot guns. I ended up tying for third in the overall (1st in handguns, 5th in rifle, 3rd in 12 gauge trap). My prize was a small bottle of Jack. But, I threw the competition to the guy that I tied with to forgo the small bottle and the inevetable picture that followed.

We came back, rested a bit, got dressed up and went to the Halloween party held at the expecting parents' home.

I dressed in the same costume that I used the previous week. Hopefully, the picture from this party turns out better (I will share when I get it). The cosume had the same effect as last week. People had a hard time talking to me as the make-up made them a bit unsettled. A couple of children at the party (the kids of our friends) were downright scared. My sister-in-law pointed me out to my 2-year old nephew and he knew who I was, but he just had the look like the make-up bothered him. Water Rat's best friend's son just ran screaming to his mom and wouldn't look at me. Another kid was asked if she wanted to go outside to eat and she said, "No, there is a monster out there!"

God, I love Halloween! Why can't this observance come more than once a year?


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