Today is actually the second day of dove season. As many who read this blog know, I had a very tough and long work week, so I slept when I got home yesterday.
But, this morning I was up at 0330 and at Water Rat's house by 0430. We drove up to the wine vinyards around Rancho Seco Nuclear Facility to do some dove hunting. We arrived before dawn, set up our 'mojo' decoy, and waited for the sun and birds.
I was a bit rusty out of the gates. I missed several easy shots, but redeemed myself later. I dropped one into the vinyard and went a huntin' fer it. Unfortunately, it was still alive when I found it. (I need to preface this commentary to say that I am a big Puss on some things). So, I backed off ten yards or so and shot it again. This didn't sit too well with Water Rat.
As well as getting a big ass chewing from my "little" brother, he also showed me how to pull the head off of the dove. Wouldn't you know it, the next one I knocked down wasn't dead either. So, (trying not to further my Puss factor) I walked up to the bird, grabbed it as I should and ripped that little guy's head right off! Blood squirted everywhere, just wonderful. The third downed bird, same thing. Same ending.
But, I my fourth downing, I couldn't find the bastard. I looked and looked. I was crawling under vines, when I saw it. The damn thing didn't even look touched. I crawled up to it and it flew off a few rows like it was stunned or had a damaged wing. So, I went after it. Just as I get to it, the damn thing flies away! It seems, in talking to Water Rat, that the wad from the shell knocked the bird out and it fell. (The wad had small feathers on it). I have never, in 30 years of hunting seen that. Amazing!
I finished the morning hunt with six confimed birds. Water Rat nailed his ten (limit). But, the fun wasn't done! Oh, no!
Now we had to clean the birds. So Water Rat showed me how to stick my thumb under the breast plate and pull the bird apart. Oh, I am such a Puss! I hated doing it, but I did it anyway. You only keep the breast of the dove, you see. Then you push the skin and feathers off from the meat. Pretty straight forward.
We ate in a small town on the way back to Water Rat's house. Washed off the breasts and put them in the freezer.
Water Rat and I went out again tonight with some friends. He got six, I got three, Friend 1 got five, and Friend 2 got two. Same number of birds as this morning with more hunters.
I am beat, but this beats the hell out of working! Even if I am a Puss at times.