Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

28 September 2005

Pics From Squirrel Shooting

This is Water Rat and I. If I go shooting, it is usually with him.

Here I am getting ready to go varmint shooting. I am carrying a .223 and a 12 gauge, as well as the ammo. You just never know what you are going to need.

You can see the "That Poor Squirrel" sitting on the top of this rock. He/she was barking loudly. Or as we like to call it out west, 'Talking Shit'. Well, little did it know that it's minutes were numbered.

Kent titled this pic as "Squirrel Killer". I did kill it, too. The squirrel must have flown five feet higher than it was on it's rocky pirch. It also did about ten somersaults in the layout position, before making impact with the ground. Sans head.

Play time is over. I am on the phone with my Mom. She and Pop are 15 minutes out from Water Rat's home. So, we closed up shop and headed back to see them.

Overall, we didn't get to shoot much. But the shots that we did take resulted in kills. Always a fun time on the eastern edge of the valley.

**All photos were taken by kent of RFL. Double quotation marks are the titles of the pics named by the photographer. Some touch-ups were done to the pics to protect the guilty.


  • At 29 September, 2005 13:00 , Blogger Kent said...

    That Kent guy is one talented MoFo, isn't he?

  • At 29 September, 2005 14:05 , Blogger Earth Rooster said...

    You said it, brother.

  • At 30 September, 2005 09:59 , Blogger Earth Rooster said...

    prufr0ck - No, there are no pics of hay bales. But there is one of the road winding through the countryside...
    I suppose that the terrain in which these pics were taken is a strange sight for any city people. It was definitely a different experience for Kent as well. (He being a San Diego city boy, but he did go to Fresno State, so I guess that he saw some of that terrain before.)


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