Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

28 June 2005

Religious Politics?

Billy Graham, bless his soul. Thank God that this was his last crusade. I think that what he does is a positive thing for the Christian faith. He reaches those who need him and his message most. Yet, I disagree with his overt manipulation of the minds for the politically ignorant.

Great, he had Bill Clinton introduce him in New York. A simple thank you would suffice. But no, he can't do that. I believe that his thank you went something like this, "Thank you for the introduction. You know Mr. Clinton, you should become an evangelist and travel around the country, while your wife is the President".

Excuse me! Are you here to talk about God, or your ideas about the political arena? Stick to God, the masses are in more need there. Really, he could have said "Giuliani as the President". It would still bother me. Don't mix religion and politics, far too messy.

I can just see some booger-eating-moron in the next election. (Insert your favorite accent here). "You know Billy said Hillary for President. A man of God won't steer us wrong"

Please die already, so that you don't confuse the simple folk.


I find it annoying that a radio station says "It's about the music". For example, in the San Diego area, one of the popular rock stations finds the time during this music to ramble on and on and on..."That was the Ravonetts with 'Love in a Trashcan'. You know the best part about that song is the beginning. I have played for years and that is a tough...." Arghhh!! I just want to reach through the radio and strangle him. If your station is about the music, then play the music and shut up. I have timed some of these djs talking for up to two minutes. What a joke!

You are in a major market (13th in the US) yet your radio station sucks. "Oh, I don't want to talk over the music", but I will ramble on for minutes, on end, in between.

I don't care about your take on a song. Do your job and play the next disc.


This friend of mine and I have a running joke involving seasons. The jist of this being that during the winter, he can score with any woman that he chooses. However, during the summer, he travels through a vast wasteland. Oh, he can see the women and even talk to them, but never touch or get out of the batters box with them.

I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. During the summer, I am on the prowl looking for the next victim. Any woman that I choose is ripe for the taking. But during the winter, I can't even get a look.

Somehow, I think that he has the better part of the joke. During the summer it is hot and not ideal to have another hot body in bed. But, during the winter, when the cold seeps in that second body is nice (or so I have heard).

I must play the hand that I am dealt and right now, I have a royal flush.

27 June 2005

Negligence Anyone?

Oh, I can see the dollar signs rolling by for this story, "Nurse Admits Killing 5 more Patients" Fox News.

SMC dropped the ball on this. They waited "four months" to contact athorities, while he killed five more patients?

The People vs. SMC line starts right there. Everyone please stay in line. There is a little piece off ass for everone.

Religion 2

But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights. (Jonah 1:17).

So this guy is swallowed by a really big fish (old testament) or a whale (new testament)? How big is this thing? If there was one, then where are it's relatives today?

And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land. (Jonah 2:10).

So, this fish...It had no digestive fluids? Jonah came out with no burns. He wasn't partially digested?

Again, a good story. But, like the other passage in this blog, a good story.

The bible wasn't meant to be a literal tranlation. It is a collection of stories, or fables if you will. It doesn't mean that there is any less power in the faith. Just don't take what you read to be factual.

Florida Sharks or Remove Natalee from Page 1

Does anyone have a clue?

Didn't this happen last year? Let's review...There are bull sharks in the water, especially this time of year. Bull sharks have been known to attack humans in very shallow water both in the ocean and in rivers. If bull sharks are in the water, off of the coast, this time of season, then why are you in the water?

Craig I am sorry that you lost your leg, but it could be worse. You could be Jamie. Sorry to her family. Yet, no! I am not sorry! Do these people qualify for the 'Darwin Awards'?

We have sharks out west, too. But, I am not going swimming with the nice white sharks anytime soon.

California Quakes

Come on Mother Nature. Give me a real good quake. I wouldn't mind having beach front property.


I got this friend that is looking to get into the movie business. No, not as an actor, but as a writer. If the role that he has in his script turns into an acting gig, he is not going to pass it up. But, the writing of the script is the main goal.

He has had some heavy hitters in the industry (famous writers, producers, and actors) read this monster. And it is a monster. Not that it sucks. Far from it. It is just too long.

Scripts for feature films are about 100 pages. Roughly, a minute of movie per page. This draft of the script is something like 172 pages. Too big for a script, not long enough for a novel. So this friend has too widdle it down. At last hearing, it was at about 120 pages. So, still some work to do.

The funny thing about this is that the talk is becoming the next "Entourage". I think that it would be so much fun to hang out with my friends like that.

Maybe, I could be the next "E".

Kayaking Anyone?

I got ready, last week, to go on a kayaking trip. But at the last minute, I find out that I won't have a kayak to use. So, while everyone else was in kayaks, I used a boogie board.

I was decked out in my wetsuit, borrowed gloves, borrowed fins, sans helmet and a life-preserver. My sister-in-law worried about what I didn't have and if I was going to be warm enough. But, I went for it anyway. The South Fork of the American River was cold and running at about 2150. I was first into the water, went through the first set of rapids, and waited for the kayakers in my group to catch up. My feet, minus booties, were pretty cold within the first few minutes, but everything else was all good. As I had the camera, I took pictures of the kayakers as they came through the rapids and at various spots along the way.

Everything was going pretty smoothly, yet the fins seemed a little tight. About 1/3 of the way down, another guy in a kayak caught up to us. He was annoying right away. He approached me and said, (in a hick accent) "You should really have a helmet on." I said, "Your right I should, but it is a little late for that now isn't it?" He apparently didn't like my response, as he bolted right away. He stayed with the wives (brother's and brother's best friend's) the rest of the way down. He annoyed and amused them to the resting beach.

Upon reaching the beach, this guy aired his dirty laundry. Again, hear the accent, "I'll tell you, don't get drunk in Reno. I woke up with a hangover and a wife. Now I was 22 and she was 54. I had to move to the reservation, cause she was Indian. My mom didn't like her, so I stopped talking to her. She died in May....." I wanted to get up and kill this kid. Yammer, yammer, yammer, blah, blah, blah.

I tried to tune him out by taking off the flippers to loosen them up. After removing the flippers, I found that I had rubbed all of the skin off from my left second toe, left third toe, and right second toe. With the freezing water, the wounds didn't bleed though. We still had a ways to go, so I loosened the flippers up and put them back on.

To my utter joy, the kid was too scared to continue on. "Those next rapids are too big for me. I don't want to die. I only been doin' this a month", our chatty kid said. "Man, you crazy goin' down that on a board, wit no helmet!" I just laughed and zoomed away.

The rapids were not that bad at all. But, my brother's best friend and his wife stopped shortly after that (she kind of panicked regarding the rest of the trip). Unfortunately, my Chacos were with him. But, I was having so much fun that I spaced that fact.

We continued on down the river. The "big, gnarly" section wasn't that bad. And it was time to get out. All in all two and a half hours down the river. Man, was it fun. After getting out, I realized that my shoes were in the boat that got out upstream. So, I had to walk barefoot up to the truck, for the ride back. The once small wounds were know a bit bigger. My feet stayed frozen and blood free for the first half of the trek. But once I hit the hot pavement, my feet were pretty bloody.

We gave some people a ride back to their vehicles and thus replinished our karma for upcoming trips.

Despite the injuries and sore muscles, it was a fun trip.

24 June 2005

Saddam A-Go-Go

Has anyone seen this story about Saddam in prison?

I think that he is a little off.

Apparently, while in the big house, Saddam has gotten addicted to Cheetos. Just can't get enough. However, as will happen, the store was out of Cheetos. So, they got him Doritos instead. Now, he wants Doritos all of the time.

But, the best part is that he thinks that he is going to be going back to Iraq to rule the country once more. He has even invited his captors to come to one of his old palaces to visit.

I don't think that you, Saddam, are going to be seeing the homeland anytime soon. But, here is another bag of Doritos.

Will Farrell

Can you play any other character? Every movie has been based on different variations of the same guy. He has a new movie, but the same old crap.

Send out the next ex-SNL performer. Maybe he/she can break the curse.


My reporter in the San Diego area, Yoda, is such a simpleton when it comes to religion. "Everything in the Bible is true". Really!
The following is just a snippet of our 'discussions'.

God creates Adam & Eve. [Got it.] They have two sons. [Got it.] Cain kills Able. God then tells Cain to go out and begat children with the world. Cain left Eden to live in the land of Nod. Cain laid with his wife [Excuse Me!] and she had Enoch. (Genisis 4:16-17).

So, let me get this straight. God created Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able (the supposedly first humans). Where does Cain's wife come from? And also, what about her family. Hmm.

Don't get me wrong. I consider myself to be a Christian. And at one time, I was quite a zealot for the faith. However, time and experiences has changed my view.

Does this mean that evolution is the answer? No, I don't think that is the case. Is creation the answer? Nope. What about a combination of the two, maybe so, maybe so. Is it so hard to combine the two philosophies?

A thought, "Are Adam and Eve the missing links?" Don't know.


This my second attempt at a blog. My first, "Ruminations on a Mind", is really a form of therapy and not something I can do everyday. I write poetry when depressed and it has been a long time since I have been depressed enough to write a poem. This is a good thing.

What is in my cd player, for 24 June?

Right now, I have several thigs playing in the cd player.

Gorillaz "Demon Days"
Louis XIV "Louis XIV"
Seether "Karma and Effect"
Slipknot "Volume 3"
Nine Inch Nails "With Teeth"

Radio Personality

Also from Yoda...

A certain popular and famous radio personality in the San Diego area has lost his cell phone. Apparently, it fell out of his pocket while he was riding home on his Harley. Quite an embarrassment. The phone has unlisted numbers for the front men of quite a few popular bands.

However, I must say, that the radio station and playlist of this personality sucks ass! Yeah, I understand that the big city stations can't change quickly. But, come on. How can you play "RATM" and follow with "The Police"? Where is the consistency? Why strive just to be the #2 radio station in your market? Oh, you are having bigger numbers than X. SO WHAT! Get off of your ass and play the popular music of today, not yesterday.

Sorry you lost your phone. Some fan is going to be stoked!


From a report, field reporter "Yoda", in the San Diego area...It seems that a certain cocktail waitress in the greatest sports bar in the San Diego area is getting a monkey. Now, this doesn't seem to be a big deal, but the jokes are flying. "Vicky" the monkey. What a freak show.

It seems that the monkey is a gift from the waitress's ex-husband. This is actually quite humorous for those in the know. Now she has a kid and a monkey... living on tips.

If the monkey is bad, are you going to spank it? You can spank my monkey anytime!


With condolences to the family of Natalee Holloway, how is this newsworthy? Does everyone in the US care about this story? No one around here, that I know of. She has been missing for what, three weeks? Four? Aruba is 70 square miles. If you can't find her in that amount of time in such a small area, then maybe you should start looking in the bellies of sharks.

Yeah, great. She is an American citizen. She is missing (and now presumed dead) in a foreign land. So? How does this affect me in California? I don't know her. Why should I care? Frankly, if you haven't figured it out, I don't care.

Someone else, please get lost. That way I don't have to hear about Natalee.

Idea for a blog

The name of this site came from a shirt worn in a bar, Yogi's, in Cardiff, Ca. "Rock Out With Your Cock Out". On this, my second attempt at a blog, I am going to relate in written form what my friends and I talk about on a daily basis.