Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

24 June 2005


My reporter in the San Diego area, Yoda, is such a simpleton when it comes to religion. "Everything in the Bible is true". Really!
The following is just a snippet of our 'discussions'.

God creates Adam & Eve. [Got it.] They have two sons. [Got it.] Cain kills Able. God then tells Cain to go out and begat children with the world. Cain left Eden to live in the land of Nod. Cain laid with his wife [Excuse Me!] and she had Enoch. (Genisis 4:16-17).

So, let me get this straight. God created Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able (the supposedly first humans). Where does Cain's wife come from? And also, what about her family. Hmm.

Don't get me wrong. I consider myself to be a Christian. And at one time, I was quite a zealot for the faith. However, time and experiences has changed my view.

Does this mean that evolution is the answer? No, I don't think that is the case. Is creation the answer? Nope. What about a combination of the two, maybe so, maybe so. Is it so hard to combine the two philosophies?

A thought, "Are Adam and Eve the missing links?" Don't know.


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