Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

15 October 2005


I don't know if any of you suffer from migraines. If you do not, I hope that you never will. I get these monsters that start behind an eye, usually the right and I have the mental image of lightning streaking across behind my eyes to strike the opposite temple. All day long. It sucks.

I went to bed last night with brief flashes of the storm brewing. Only to awake this morning to a full-fledged thunderstorm in my head. I have tried to lie in the dark, but was continually disturbed by my phone. So, I silenced that. I was forced to leave the dark and quiet by the promise I made to see my parents, in the afternoon. Long enough, in fact, to see USC win the game. I returned home, back to the peace and quiet.

I couldn't sleep and I couldn't lie around, so I surfed the blogs. Just the clicking of the keys, made the pounding worse. Currently, I am doped out of my gourd and the pain is bearable, but the keystrokes are killing me.

I am off to bed, again. Sleep well my friends.

Please let the pounding stop tonight, amen.


  • At 16 October, 2005 09:19 , Blogger LL said...

    Ooooo, I get them twice a year and they make me puke. I HATE that. Hope you are feeling better today. I think a little green might have helped you. You could always claim medicinal purposes. ;)

  • At 16 October, 2005 09:20 , Blogger LL said...

    Oh, btw, thanks for linking me! I'll throw some linky-love back atcha!

  • At 16 October, 2005 09:34 , Blogger Blondage said...

    Bless your heart. I hope you are feeling better today.

  • At 16 October, 2005 11:40 , Blogger Earth Rooster said...

    ll & blondage - thanks for the concern, but things are still pounding today. The indocrin and percoset are helping, though.

    ll - what doesn't make you puke? I know a couple of things! :).


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