Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

28 December 2005


Since I didn't post yesterday about my day, I thought that I would do so tonight. Yesterday, I just wanted to zone out from the present to see what was coming ahead. The reason? I was terribly pissed off.

To start off, the rock station in Modesto changed format to the new Hispanic station. To become the 15th such station to service the area. This leaves no Rock/Alternative station in the area. Either Sac or the 'No would be the closest for that, well out of range for here. Thank you Clear Channel Communications for this brilliant decision. (Additional thought a bit later).

Second, the rain. As I have said before, drivers in the area suck ass. Add rain and wind and they become even more idiotic.

Third, my partner sells product to accounts that are not needed and not enough to those that do need it. He has something like two years in the business and he still doesn't get it.

Fourth, the company, in its infinite wisdom did not allow for discounts, in this off week. (Big drawn out reason). So, accounts are complaining to me about it. Like I have control over what they do on the corporate level.

Fifth, every flipping boss is on vacation. No one answers their phones and we the sales staff are fucked, if there is a problem.

That was the yesterday and weekly problems in a nutshell.

With the radio situation as it currently stands, I am now seriously considering XM or Sirius Satellite Radio. Something that can go from my work truck, to my personal truck, to my home. Do any of you have any experience with either company and what do you think of the service?


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