Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

21 October 2005

Russian Wacko!

I was reading the Moscow News today and found this guy. A #1 Wacko. Like the world isn't so full of enough of them. A lot of this post is going to be direct quotes, I mean how can you say it any differently. This is quoted from the Rosbalt News Agency.

'A deputy of the ultranationalist Liberal Democratic faction of the Russian State Duma, Aleksei Mitrofanov, has said in a parliamentary speech that bird flu was invented by Americans who wanted to dominate the world's poultry markets.'

Wait, wait, the story gets better!

'"There is no such thing as bird flu, just as there is no AIDS, tulip or mad cow disease", Mitrofanov was quoted as saying.'

Hahahahaha! Oh, let me wipe the tear from my eye.

There is no such thing? Really? You mean that all of the people and animals that have died from these maladies, actually died from something else?

Please enlighten us, you dumb fat bastard!


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