Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

24 July 2005

Smoking & Tatoos

What is the deal with all of the women that I meet?

They all have tats and/or are smokers. I know that it was the cool thing to get a tatoo, probably still is, but it is something that I wouldn't do. Most of the tats that I see on women are not feminine, if tats can be feminine.

And, smoking! What is cool about smoking? My father is a smoker. I have seen it all my life. I have never seen it as cool or, for a woman, as sexy. But, more and more people my age are hooked on it.

I just imagine a future time, where there are a ton of grandmothers and old ladies with smokers' lines and mottled droopy tats. What a world it will be!


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