Rock Out With Your...

This is about anything and everything. Music, news, some political, things I or my friends see, or just about anything talked about during the course of the day. I am also very interested in the Russian culture, so expect some of that as well. I might offend some people on this site, but I don't care. Remember, "Rock Out With Your Cock Out!"

22 August 2005

A Small and Cowardly Man

Eric Rudolph was sentenced today for the bombing of the Atlanta Games and several abortion clinics.

Mr. Roberts said to the families of the victims that his reason for doing what he did was to, "anger and embarass the federal government because it does not prohibit abortions, and that he wanted to harm only government workers".

Harm government workers, at the Olympics? Harm government workers, at abortion clinics?

If he wanted to harm government workers, there are plenty of GOVERNMENT buildings in Atlanta.

Anger the government he got, embarassment he did not. The only people hurt in this tragedy were the innocent. There is nothing that he could say that would forgive his stupidity.


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